Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Social Calm

Last time, I told you about a birthday party my daughter attended and I promised to tell you about her bowling league. My daughter is super-active. Besides taking two dance classes a week, she is also in a children's bowling league that meets every Saturday morning. It means that every Saturday morning, I have to sit at a table with a couple of other moms and find things to talk about for about an hour.

This is what one hour of social time feels like.

A majority of the time, I sit quietly and watch my daughter bowl. Then I give her tips on how to improve. But sometimes the moms want to engage in actual conversation. Unfortunately, I just don't have a lot to talk about. Luckily, the other moms are more than willing to pick up my conversational slack.

This is usually my response when people start babbling.
Amazingly, I don't feel uncomfortable at bowling. Maybe it's because there is a very small group of us (there are only 5 kids in the league) and we're all focused on our kids. Any conversation that takes place is just something to fill in the gaps when our kids aren't up. It's nice to have someplace where I can be social if I want but it's also fine for me to not say a word beyond 'hello' and 'see you next week.'

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