Thursday, March 22, 2012

Where My Jealousy Rears Its Ugly Head

I really wasn't going to talk about this. Mostly because it's pretty embarrassing on my part. But if I don't get this stuff out of my head, it'll just fester there until something awful happens. *sigh*

Let me start off with this: My current life is not awful. I have a loving husband, my daughter is absolutely amazing, we are finally to the point that we are not drowning in debt, and things are just not bad.


My younger sister somehow magically makes awesome things happen to her. I have no idea how she does it and I really want this superpower. For example: despite being unemployed (she's doing an unpaid internship right now), she is spending this week in the Dominican Republic. Both my husband and I are gainfully employed full time, yet it is unlikely that we will ever afford to leave the United States for vacation.

How does she do this, you ask?

For the past few years, she has been living rent-free in a cousin's house. Said cousin was sent to China for work; my sister's lease was coming due around that time. So my sister moved into his house. She pays for things like cable television and possibly the internet connection. As a result, for the past five years or so, her entire pile of monthly bills totals less than one month of my mortgage payment.

This makes me insanely jealous.

I have never left the country. No, I'm not counting the trip to Canada my parents made when I was a year old. However, the cousin has flown my sister to Spain, China, England, Germany, and I think Italy. And when I think about it too much, the situation brings tears to my eyes. I would love to travel and see the world. It's just not going to happen and I have to figure out a way to live with my sister's jet-setting ways while I sit in my windowless office at work.

Any suggestions?

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